2010年3月11日 星期四

American Beauty 1999 : Fantasy in bathroom and the last part

The third scene of the scene between reality and fantasy, use the mist as the middle of the media. Reality and fantasy are also quite obvious that the color difference between.

In the last scene of sexual fantasies among the male lead because of touch with the girl's body, it has fantasy to a close with the girls kissing pictures. And in the performance of light and color more and closer to reality. A natural touch to the brain nerve, in the illusions of the screen, of course there are physical reactions of the lens.

The second scene of sexual fantasy

This is the second section of continuity is the actor of sexual fantasies, in the film rose petals is still the subject of this Part.
This scene focuses on space, color, bright red with the director to interpret this topic.

The spatial relationships between people on the screen

Space for me is a kind of distance can be invisible visible

As long as two or two more things that can be generated because of this distance, or change in a relationship

That distance is the space

The spatial relationships between people

For example, an actress went to a place that looks like the ruins of

There is children crying in the side of the
Actress bent over and touch her head
This bending movement has shown a heroine with the children's spatial relationship

A specific spatial relationship
For example, the long corridor in the ward that

Some people go out from all the wards
Encouraging people to walk

Demonstrated that gallery space and spatial relationships between rooms

Virtual spatial relations
For example, in the post-banquet social scene segment

Except the female lead a depressed person does not chatted with others
A maximum of only polite polite greeting
At this time all the atmosphere of joy eccentric heroine Jiugen a marked distinction between the atmosphere

Lighting spread diagam

Simple Shots Anaylize: American Beauty 1999 (Sexual Fantasy in stadium)

Very long shot(VLS): It is applied in opening sequences, where the figure and its movement are of near equal importance as the background. Used widely where recognition of the individual person.

Medium Shot(MS):Attention is clearly drawn to the figure ratherthan the background. This is because the subject's eyes can be fully seen and therefore the eyeline of the subject draws the attentationof the audience. Eye movement can be clearly seen. the approximate age of the person can be determined.

Close up(CU): Framing the shot without a part of the shoulder showing. this has the effect of the subject appearing to be dismembered from their body. The attention of the viewer is drawn to the foreground only, focus on the subject's eyes and mouth. Skin colour and texture can be clearly seen.Eyes at this stage are either condition.

Medium long shot(MLS):In this shot the subject is framed with headroom and is cut with the lower frame either above or below the knee. The choice, above or below the knee, depends upon the sex and the clothing of the subject and the speed of the movement. Facial changed can be seen, but not detailed.

Big close-up (BCU): The upper frame cuts the subject's brow.Skin texture can clearly be seen,eyebrow hair becomes predominant, as do eyelines. Any face movemomt on this shot is consequently overemphasised because it becomes unrealistic on screen. this shot is so close that it can only be used in situation of emotion, such as a love scene or an aggressive scene.

Long shot(LS):The subject with headroom and footroom covers the entire frame from top to bottom. The clothing is more recognisable as is gender. And this shot often use with a moving person, e.g. a subject running, walking, moving hands etc.
No significant loss due to domestic cut-off. The position of the figure in the frame, screen right or left, is critial to allow for body movement.

Extreme long shot(XLS or ELS )The subject is so small in the frame that it is totally unrecognisable. the figure is less than one-sixth of the height of the frame. it is possible to tellif the subject is human, but not possible to tell if the subject is male or female. The XLS can conveyatmosphere and enviroment.

Extreme close-up(XCU or ECU): The framing of this shot concentrates on one or sometimes two features; eyes or eyes and nose, nose and mouth or mouth alone. Emphasis on the eyes clearly shows the colour. eye movement is enormous.