2009年11月14日 星期六

About my theme: color, light, sexuality and space

This is a Japanese love hotel, i am interesting in color of interior and theme of the pic.

When SMALL is a PROBLEM. In Japan, space at home is tight and privacy rare, so love hotels are ubiquitous. But leave it to the Japanese to take interior design to a new level when it comes to rooms rentable by the hour...

I can image what kind of things will happen in this space. And also the activity will become hotter and more intense between two people, or among many people.

This pic is in a club, it using a green light to represent an atmosphere of energy and dynamic.

It’s real? It’s not real? It is can be show in film? Or it’s can be show in real life?
This pic is full of imagination.

When I was teenager, I interesting in Japanese graphic. Although everyone saying that is just a pornographic. But I think there are more then that! Beside it is really beautiful and philosophy!

About my theme:

In my analyzing the sequence of these five things, I try to link together their relationship and find the key word. And thinking about the coming year I might be of interest to the theme. The final result is that sexuality and space . though a bit out of blue, but it is traceable (See chart). Then I search further in London on sexuality of these people things, I found that the sexuality of the relevant words, releative to exterior or interior space, containing alluring, emotion and danger ... etc. I want to consider the image of the female body as a sign and try to analyze it in terms of space. Also conbine with nature color and light. At the same time i want to research that Freudian psychoanalytic theory has had on female theory.

